Throwback Thursday with Brayden Barrett-Hay

Throwback Thursday with Brayden Barrett-Hay

Kali Sponsored athlete, Brayden Barrett-Hay takes a walk down memory lane and gives us the inside scoop on some of his most memorable Instagram posts...


During quarantine down time I took a few moments to scroll back on some older Instagram posts of just a few incredible moments I’ve had riding. 


Way back in 2013, my first ever big podium. This was my second year competing in slopestyle events. In 2011 I’d decided to really chase my dreams riding and start traveling! At that time I’d set a little goal for myself, there would be no drinking and no partying until I stood on a podium at a big contest. 2 and half years later standing on that podium was such an insane feeling of relief! Best tasting champagne I’ve ever had!   


A throwback post from way way back of me learning backflips. I didn’t have a foam pit or air bag set up so I collected mattresses, couch cushions and any foam I could find on the side of the road. Hand dug myself a little DJ lip almost completely in the ground then hucked my first flips!! 


July 2017 Colorado Freeride Festival, Still to this day probably the most stoked I have ever been in a contest run. My first time doing a 360 Indy to tuck and a flip double whip in a contest run!! 


May of 2019 unreal day filming with Brad Scholl at my old Slope course I built in Ontario, Canada. Later in the session I did a nolie 3 tuck off of a flat drop!! Pretty sure I’m the only person who’s done that, so I was quite pumped on that day!!


July 2019: I tail whipped to late no hands on the boner log at Bigwhite. Bigwhite slope event last year for me was a struggle!! I took 2 slams in practice, one of which was one of the hardest face plants of my life really putting my Kali Shiva helmet to the test! Tough weekend for me, two hits to my head, cuts and bruises everywhere. Finals day I could barely just straight air thru the jumps, I was so sore!! Came time to drop for my runs and just dropped in completely cold!! A bit sketchy but somehow in my second run I put down exactly what I had planned, ended up being an amazing weekend! 


At the end of August in 2019 photo/ filming shoot at Big white with Andrew Jay. I Did my first switch cork 7s on a mulch landing!! Unreal sunset session, days before I left to Saudi Arabia for a month to work for Cirque du Soleil.

Scrolling back through old photos is a great reminder of all the amazing moments I’ve had. So many they all turn into a blur as time goes on. I can’t wait for things to get back to normal and have many more contest runs, video parts and sessions!!

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