Product Development/Marketing

Gianna is Kali and Kali is Gianna.

We love Kali and thus we love Gianna.

If you want to hear the Kali lore, need to locate something deep within the archives or have an impossible task on your desk, there is only one person to call, and no, it's not a Ghostbuster.

It's Gianna.

She is the person who is not afraid to admit she doesn't know that answer, but refuses to let that stop her. She's a doer. A get-it-done-er. A problem solver. Not a troublemaker.

It's probably not fair how much we rely on Gianna for her institutional knowledge, her work ethic and her capacity to make sure we are doing the right thing for both our clients and each other.

Life at Kali, and our life in general, is better because Gianna is here.

We love her and hope she feels the same.

*Gianna's dog, Sundance, sat in for her photo




Contact Gianna Johnson