Hard Hitting Questions with the Loop of Doom Mastermind

Hard Hitting Questions with the Loop of Doom Mastermind

We think it is safe to say that Matt MacDuff is most famous for his heartbreaking 2016 crash on his 40-foot Loop of Doom. If you haven’t heard about the Loop of Doom or Matt’s attempt to ride the behemoth, you should totally get your googles on and check it out. It seems like just yesterday when things didn’t go Matt’s way on the big loop, but it has actually been 3 and half years, so we were stoked when Matt dropped a new video, Matt MacDuff, Revenge, last month on YouTube.

Matt is intense,” said Brad Waldron, boss and resident lighter, softer helmet advocate. “When he signed with us, I went riding with him locally and all he kept talking about was this Loop of Doom. Nothing was going to stop him from doing the Loop of Doom. It’s all he talked about. Other than this Loop of Doom thing he’s a pretty normal guy. Personally, I hope he never attempts it, again. I like Matt too much for that.”

MacDuff as a risk taker, all around good guy and we have watched him travel the globe throwing his bike at anything and everything he can find. 

We can’t get enough of Matt and we are pretty sure you feel the same way, so we reached out to see if we could get him to answer some questions we’re pretty sure no one but Kali would ask him.                                                                         

Are you more of a city or country person?

I like a good mix of both, early mornings in the country and late nights in the city.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? Would you use it for good or evil?

Always good - I'd think I would settle for the usual super powers, super strength, healing, and of course flight!

If you had friends over for dinner, would you cook or order in? What would it be?

I'd probably whip up a fresh basil pesto pasta with apple wood veggie sausage topped with avo and sprouts.

What is your spirit animal and why?

Maybe a jaguar, wolf, eagle, tiger....really not sure, can you have more than one?

Night Owl or Early Bird?

Always shifting back and forth.

What were the last three albums you downloaded?

Nos - lllmatic, Best of Gordon Lightfoot, Randy valentine - New Narrative.

You’re granted three wishes, what do you do?

Wish one - One hundred more wishes. Wish two - Financial freedom. Wish three - The powers to help others live their best lives!

If you weren’t hitting the big gaps, what would you being doing?

Repairing grandfather clocks.

Photo by: @ryan_franklin88

What odd talent do you have? 

Pretty good ping pong player.

What is one thing even your best friends don’t know about you?

I'm a terrible baker.

Do you remember your first bike? Can you tell us a story about it?

I had a 2005 Kona that I cut lawns for a whole summer saving up to buy. One of my first rides out, I jumped a big drop to flat in my local town. I lined it up perfect, however the back wheel flew out of the drop outs...still rode it out, grinding the rear triangle of the frame on the ground.  

Star Wars for Star Trek?

Star wars, for sure.

Pizza, burrito or filet mignon?

Burrito all day <3.

After your epic crash atop the Loop of Doom, we can only assume you spent some of your recovery time reassessing certain things in your life. Can you share a couple of lessons learned from that attempt and we are happy to see you didn't rethink your helmet company.
The helmet saved my life that's for sure. When people fall from such high heights, most of the time you die due to head trauma. I learned a lot of lessons throughout the entire experience but one of my biggest pulls from my crash was how important it is to keep an accurate sense of reality. It's so easy to get caught up in a bubble and forget little things that can shift you off course. When you're doing things that have never been done before and you plan to be successful, you need to know what's true so you can make the best choices possible which will increase your chances of being successful.  

If you could have dinner with anyone who you have never met, who would that be?

Tim Ferris, Wim Hof, or The Rock.

Main Photo by: @Paulmackayphotographie

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