Kali's Epic Open House Recap

Kali's Epic Open House Recap


You know the feeling. You’ve decided to have a party. You’re excited but also a little apprehensive. You’ve hired a band, ordered some food, bought beer and spent days cleaning up the yard and building a new pergola. 

You’ve invited all of your friends and told them all to bring their friends...and now you wait. Will anyone show up or will you end up sitting around by yourself wondering what you did wrong? Well, we apparently did it right.

The Kali Open House was a huge success and we couldn’t be any happier. The band, Mid-Life Crisis, rocked the house with some amazing 90s covers, including a flashback perfect version of Tom Petty's "Free Fallin'".

Mid-Life Crisis' lead vocalist, Jason Castillo, belting out crowd favorites.

The kids, small and smaller, lined up in droves to roll the pump track. We could have spent the entire party just watching the happy, terrified, energized and amazed faces as the little ones ran the gamut of emotion ripping the berms and hit the rollers of our little pump track.

We rolled into the liquor store thinking we would be serving up a smattering of “domestic” beer when the nice guy at the counter let us in on a little secret. Some poor customer ordered a keg of what turned out to be a delicious IPA, but didn’t show up to pick it up, and thus, our beer game become much more on point. Not a drop was left undrunk. 

To help us soak up a little of the boutique beverage we brought in a taco truck. I mean what party isn’t better with tacos? We know ours was.

The biggest part of our show was happening in the backyard, where riders from far and wide, were hitting the big line. The show was spectacular from start to finish, plus we never had to call an ambulance.

We were left with satisfied tummies, full hearts and gratitude for all of the Kali Krew who were here and for all those who wished they could have been.

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